Advantages of Stainless Steel Biogas Tanks – Anaerobic Digestion Fermenter Vessel Bioreactors

See: The Advantages of Stainless Steel Biogas Digestion Reactor (fermentation) Tanks/ Vessel Bioreactors.

Weltec Biopower uses stainless steel for their biogas digester tanks.

They are a leading provider of anaerobic digestion technology, with over 300 reference plants worldwide.

They have plants which they have built in many countries, including the UK and Ireland, Europe, USA, Australia, Uruguay, Korea, and Japan.

They are well well-known for producing high quality biodigesters, with high biogas yields.

As the hydrogen sulphide and ammonia compounds contained in biogas, corrodes unprotected parts, WELTEC builds the digesters and all the equipment in them, from stainless steel.

This ensures a long useful life of the plant.

The benefits of stainless steel, over the traditional use of Glass Coated Steel digester tanks are.

1, Unlike the steel used in Glass Coated Steel tanks, stainless steel does not corrode and needs no coating for protection.

2, Unlike Glass Coated Steel tanks, segmental bolted stainless steel tanks are immune from the after-effects of minor knocks and bashes, which can easily chip the glass coating, exposing the zinc coating below, which after some time, becomes eroded and results in, small holes in the tank.

3, It’s much easier to obtain warranties on stainless steel tanks, for extended lifetimes in the region of 20 years.

When a traditional steel tank develops holes, there is no option other than to drain and line the tanks, or replace the tanks with new.

If remedial work of this nature is needed, the costs are very high, not only in terms of the replacement cost, but also in lost biogas production.

It gets even worse for a biogas plant business, if they become unable to accept materials from producers of organic waste during fermenter tank repairs, and those feedstock suppliers go elsewhere.

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Post time: Jul-05-2017
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