A – A metal rod is held in the finger and thumg near one end – the rod in a vertical line. With a hammer we strike one end of the rod. As the position of the holding changes the pitch emitted by the bar changes. We are exciting the bar compress!onaIly – longitudinally. What it emits is governed by many things: its stuff – its geometry -where it is held. For certain positions of “damping” the bar has enormous acoustic life and very very high Q. By the Q of a system we mean – in a general way – how much energy it returns for the energy we give it. At certain positions this bar gives rise to fantastically high-pitched emission.
B – We have an array of metal plates – of different stuff – of different shape. These are called CHLADNI PLATES. They are fixed at the center to a pin rigidly bound to the plate. We bow the plate with a violin bow. It sounds. It is vibrating. But HOW? It is too fast to see. So we sprinkle it with sand or with sugar and low and behold – a WONDROUS thing arises: The sand takes up beautiful patterns – governed by how we bow the plate – where we bow the plate and so on. The beautiful figures resulting are called CHLADNI FIGURES.
C – It is rather well known that glasses and goblets can be stroked -
excited – bu rubbin a wet finger along the edge. If now we arrange a set of these – say eight – tuned with different levels of water – a delightful music can be played. And here again we have relaxation oscillations – the finger grips the edge of the glass – I ets go – and this action is repeated.
D – So too a steel drum can be shaped with a hammer – giving different shaped segments – of different size – of different thickness. The music which these emit is indeed delightful.
E – A tuning fork – say 512 vps – one octave above middle C – is struck. You hear 512 vps. Now if this fork is moved toward a distant hearer and then away from the hearer a change in pitch is noted. This is called the Doppler Effect. It plays a role in both light and in sound since it is a consequence of more waves or less waves reaching the observer per unit time. You detect this when you hear a Police siren! I
Post time: Jul-11-2017