MIM is a process that merges two established technologies: plastic injection molding and powdered metallurgy. It offers a manufacturing capability of producing precise, complex parts in large quantities.
MIM offers greater design freedom than many other production processes by freeing designers from the traditional constraints associated with trying to shape stainless steel, nickel iron, copper, titanium, and other metals. Other benefits of MIM, include:
– MIM makes it possible to integrate and consolidate several components into a single molded piece—reducing the need to work with several manufacturers and decreasing processing and assembly costs.
– Texture, knurling, threads, lettering, and company logos can all be incorporated into the mold which significantly lowers tooling costs
Dynacast is a global MIM manufacturer offering both conventional and multi-slide processes. Our team of engineers offer design solutions for a variety of industries including consumer electronics, automotive, healthcare, and more. When our engineers are involved early in the project, they can help design a tool and part specifically for mass production. We can also aid in combining multiple components to create one, cost-effective, and functional part. All of our customers receive insight and expertise throughout all stages of the project. Contact our engineering team to request a quote today.
Post time: Jun-21-2017