The fill wire is easily attached to the marred surfaces of the copper components to fill in gaps and smooth out valleys. Electrode placement is important in getting the correct flow of the metal to the areas desired. Initial experimentation shows that an energy setting of 22ws in Micro Mode will attach the fill wire without deformation of the component at the weld site. Multiple pulses are used to flow the wire along the scar and then welds at a higher energy (100ws) are used to smooth the area and level it out.
For the hardened steel component we attached the wire to the part using “Tack Mode” set at 50ws energy prior to the pre-heat process. After pre-heating the part at 400 degrees with the fill wire tacked on, we used the Orion Pulse 200i to complete the welding process with several pulses at 22ws energy followed by actuations at 120ws energy to smooth.
Post time: Jun-25-2017