The video shows a slump testing being performed on a masonry construction job.
You will need:
slump cone
steel bar or dowel rod
flat surface
measuring device, such as yard stick
1. First place the slump cone with its widest opening on the ground on a flat surface (such as the board used in the video).
2.Then fill the slump cone with material through the narrow end. Stir and level off material with the dowel rod until the cone is completely full.
3. Then remove the slump cone and place it narrow end down on the board next to the pile. (material will “slump” or fall down spreading out according to how much waster is in the mix)
4. Balance the dowel rod on the top of the slump cone so that it is over top of the pile of material
5. Insert a yard stick in the center of the pile sticking up so that it is perpendicular to the dowel rod
6. Measure the distance from the top of the pile to the dowel rod to obtain the slump
A “high slump” is a greater distance and a “low slump” is a minimal distance. For example, 10-11 inches would be a high slump. Under 6 may be considered a low slump.
In the test shown in the video, the slump is measured at 7.5 inches. This is the distance from the top of the pile of material to the horizontal bar laying across the upside down slump cone. The contractor was targeting a 10 inch slump so they asked the ready mix driver to add more water to the material. The material was used to fill masonry blocks so the contactor needed a high slump for material to flow and consolidate within a masonry block wall.
Post time: Jun-28-2017