Viteria Dell’Era di Ermanno & Figlio Srl

Dell’Era Ermanno’s society was born in 1924. The main purpose was the production of mechanical parts. In 1962, the young son Renato Dell’Era began his career in his father’s society and the factory was transferred and located in Valmadrera the industrial suburbs of Lecco. During the eighties, the production has become more and more specified, turning into the only manufacturing of screws, and it has increased of 600%.
Production Range.
Our standard production comprehends, on the diameters M2,5-M10:
Slotted and cross recessed machine screws;
Poêliers screws; pozy, comby, super x;
Hexagonal head cap screws and raised head square neck screws.
Resistance in high and low carbon content:5.8-6.8-8.8-10.9 e 12.9
Materials: Stainless steel A2 AISI 304, brass and copper.
Our special (drawing) production regards:
Welding screws with projections: PSA Norme, Renault Norme, Fiat Norme
Automotive super x cross recessed screws: drawing
Pressed Hexagonal screws as Wolfswagen / Fiat Norme drawing
Hinge and scissor screws.
-30 years of experience
-Continuous research of the satisfaction of the customers’ needs
-Versatility and ability in services and deliveries.
These strong points are the means to realize our purposes:
- ACHIEVEMENT and MAINTENANCE of a leadership role in the manufacturing of cold forged fasteners, winning position of technologic vanguard.
- SATISFACTION of the specific needs of the most qualified customers.
- HIGH QUALITY products and services in respect and safeguard of the working environment and of the Human and environmental heritage.

The company is since 1996 UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 certified

Post time: Jul-02-2017
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